Wednesday, July 23, 2008

God's Will for our Family

Do you ever struggle knowing God's will?  Our family has recently struggled with knowing God's will for our future.  As many of you know, we had accepted the invitation to minister in Uruguay with CAM.  We were thrilled to be considered, and even more thrilled to know that we would be working with some the finest missionaries with CAM...Jim and Cheryl Eberline.  As time has passed, we have begun to wrestle with this decision.  Over the past month, the lack of peace has grown stronger and stronger.  We began to pray together as a couple on a daily basis, crying out to God to show us His will.  We also began to seek out wise counsel from many people...most of them being other missionaries.  Through reading the Word, prayer, and wise counsel, we have decided to remain in Mexico for the time being.  Although our hearts ache with the loss of serving with some of our best friends, we realize that now is not the time for our family.  At this point, we have requested to stay and serve in Mexico.  We will know by the end of August as to where in Mexico we will be serving.  We ask of you to pray for three things:
1.  The CAM-Uruguay team - That God will continue to build this team and provide unlimited opportunities to share the Gospel in this lost country.
2.  Our family - That we are sensitive to God's leading as we seek out different ministry opportunities here in Mexico.
3.  The CAM-Mexico team - That God will continue to open the hearts of the Mexican people as the CAM missionaries share the Gospel and seek to serve Christ with all their hearts.
"And thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of knowledge of him.  For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."  (2 Cor. 2:14-15)


Annesta said...

I found your blog while surfing blog pages. I was drawn to your blog as I grew up in Paraguay and Argentina with my parents. They were missionaries with the Southern Baptist Missions (now International Mission Board) from 1958 to 1970. I just want you to know that I will pray for you and for the work that you do in Mexico. I will also pray for your children as I remember well the struggles and the difficulties of being an MK. I was very moved by your explanation of why you are remaining in Mexico. It can be difficult to follow what God has for us but ultimately He has the big picture and as we follow Him and in obedience submit to His will, we experience peace. I will pray for you and your family as you continue your work in Mexico. Thank you for sharing your story.

Tina said...

Olá! I am a first year missionary in Brazil (learning the language) and found your blog via the Missionary Blog Watch. I enjoyed reading about your family and your work. I pray God gives you His peace and wisdom.