Great blog! Fantastic pictures. We definitely have to come down and visit you sometime, perhaps after I retire, whenever that may be! We talk and think about you guys often.
I have been lurking around your blog for some time now. It is really neat to read about your new life. I have been walking in the subdivision and everytime I pass your old house, I say a quick prayer for your family!
We are a missionary family serving in Mexico, We are currently serving in Querétaro, Mexico where we are establishing a community center as a means to share the Gospel. We are enjoying ministering to the Mexican people here as we serve in our local church, work alongside our Mexican brothers and sisters in Christ, teach English classes as a form of outreach, and assist with the CAM intern program. We have been married for 21 years and we have three precious children. Caleb is 16, Haley is 14, and Annie is 11. We are from La Vernia, Texas (near San Antonio). We seek to glorify Him, seek Him, and feast on Him.
Hi Brent & Le'Ann,
Great blog! Fantastic pictures. We definitely have to come down and visit you sometime, perhaps after I retire, whenever that may be! We talk and think about you guys often.
God Bless you and your family,
Virg & Kathie
I have been lurking around your blog for some time now. It is really neat to read about your new life. I have been walking in the subdivision and everytime I pass your old house, I say a quick prayer for your family!
God Bless you all,
Michelle Wilson
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